A Simple Timeless Wedding on the Collierville Square

My consult meeting with bride Julianne

Planning a wedding is a big task and choosing the best photographer for yourself can feel daunting. "How do I pick a style? Which photography collection is the best fit? How do I start a photo timeline?" When I meet with someone about wedding photography I try to put all these questions at ease. 

I met with Julianne and her mom to get ice cream. That's one way to take the wedding stress away! They contacted me and I always think an in-person meeting is a great way for us to find out if we're on the same page, I can deliver what you're looking for, and if our personalities are compatible. I feel like the three of us hit it off.

Julianne and fiancé Will were planning a family wedding around the Collierville Square. They had concerns about a photographer being too over-the-top, pushy, or controlling with their group. They were looking for a photographer that would make little to no interference with their wedding ceremony and time with their family. "Unobtrusive" Julianne and her mom kept saying. "Respectful of the moment. Candid. Put their guests at ease."

I told them that I was very happy with those descriptions because I knew I could deliver that for them. In journalism school I was taught to be the observer, the recorder, not the center of attention or to stir up the moment. If my classmates or I had done that for a story it would have been unethical and not a reflection of the actual events. I continue to take this approach on wedding day. 

Wedding day should be focused on the couple and their love story. It's the first day of their marriage and life together. Why would any photographer want to change the essence or meaning of those wedding day moments? We were all in agreement and ready for Julianne and Will's big day!

Morton Museum Collierville

The cutest little church is just on the edge of the Collierville Square. The Morton Museum can now be rented for events and parties but was once a Christian church. I love the white Gothic design, the huge stained glass windows, the way it sits on the corner, and that is has been there since 1873. It is the perfect quaint church to have a wedding ceremony.

Getting Ready Photos

Julianne is very close with her mom and sister. When we talked about the wedding day timeline she knew she wanted to get ready at home with their help. It was very relaxing being there. I always think it's a great idea to minimize stress however possible on wedding day. Being at home in a familiar place, not worrying if you forgot lipstick because you can just run upstairs and grab it, wake up and shower in your own place- there's a calmness of routine to that. It was a nice way to start a Saturday. And of course the family pet came to hang out too.

Bridal Portraits in the Garden

Julianne's dad has a major green thumb and his shade garden is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen. Julianne wanted to continue hanging out at home and take her bridal portraits there. The landscaping, the hydrangea blooms and rock paths made me so happy. I think the setting was the perfect compliment to Julianne's bridal look and was a meaningful place to her.

Groom Portraits at the Church

For Will's groom portraits I met him at the church. I love the structure of his suit with the structure and shape of the stained glass window. It felt very gentleman-ly to me. And of course the white outside walls created the perfect backdrop for more casual photos.

The Wedding Ceremony

The inside of the Morton Museum is just timeless. Warm hardwood floors, painted glass, crystal chandeliers, the feeling of history all around you. I wonder how many wedding ceremonies have taken place there over the past 100 years?

The stained glass window was the perfect focal point for the wedding ceremony. Because of the amazing details and symmetry no other decorations were needed. It felt very clean and Old-World. Julianne and Will's ceremony was so warm and glowy.

Reception at The Quonset

After family photos everyone was invited to The Quonset, also just near the Collierville Square. Dinner by candlelight and tons of sweet treats were waiting for their guests. I learn a lot about a family during reception time. The amount of love for each other, who has travelled the farthest and would never miss out, which groups of cousins grew up together, who the jokester is, who the matriarch or patriarch is... I love watching family dynamics. 

Reception Exit

At the end of the day we all lined up outside to send off the newlyweds. Another classic touch- rose petals as they walk into their new life together. Lots of love to Julianne and Will!!


Maggie Louise Bridal Boutique


How To Choose Your Wedding Photographer